Your donation is greatly appreciated!

Contributions help us continue our important work encouraging informed and active participation of citizens in government, increasing understanding of major public policy issues, and influencing public policy through education and advocacy.
You may now give in two ways: a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation for 12 months. Make your selection below.


Donate to the Education Fund

The LWVPBC Education Fund is a tax-exempt nonprofit recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 educational organization. Your gifts and donations to the League’s Education Fund are tax-deductible.

You can support the LWVPBC Education Fund by donating here or sending a check today.

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Please select your monthly recurring donation level.

You will be notified every month when your donation amount posts- this will be on the same day every month. The recurring donation period lasts for 12 months. You will be reminded every year when this donation period is ending, so you can renew.

If you have any questions about this recurring donation process or transactions, contact

We appreciate YOU!

Our organization earned a 2021 Gold Seal of Transparency! Now, everyone can view our financial details and learn about the people at our organization. Check us out: HERE